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Jonathan Owens excited to support Simone Biles at Olympics, 'watch all of her dreams come true'

Photo courtesy of Jonathan Owens
Photo courtesy of Jonathan Owens

Ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony, spoke with Bears safety Jonathan Owens, who is preparing to leave for Paris in support of his wife, USA gymnast Simone Biles.

Nearly a month ago, Jonathan Owens watched Simone Biles win the all-around title at the U.S. Gymnastics Team Trials to secure her spot at the 2024 Summer Olympics.

As the scores were tallied up on June 30 inside the Target Center in Minneapolis, Owens recalls sitting in the stands and crying tears of joy for Biles. He anticipates feeling similar emotions next week when he flies out to Paris to support Biles on the biggest stage any athlete can grace.

"It was emotional even when she made trials," Owens told "I cried for her, knowing all the work that they put in. Usually, it's once every four years, so just imagine, the pressure for them ... 'if I mess this up, I won't get another chance for four years.'

"Just seeing that work and seeing her go to practice every day ... some days you don't feel like getting up, but she just pushed through it, so it's gonna be an emotional time for everybody — us and all her family. But I know all the hard work that she puts in. I can't wait to go out and just watch her and watch all of her dreams come true."

Owens will fly out to Paris July 29 to be present for the team final July 30 and the all-around final Aug. 1 before returning to Chicago Aug. 3. While Owens and Biles were dating when the Tokyo Games took place in 2021, the then-Texans safety couldn't travel due to COVID restrictions and training camp.

This year, as Biles vied for her third consecutive Olympics appearance, Owens has attended every competition. Missing the Olympics for a second time was a fear of his as he entered free agency this spring.

From a football perspective, Owens' goal was to sign with a team where he felt wanted. The Bears pursued him hard and offered him a multi-year deal; that security was 'a big thing' for Owens going into his seventh NFL season.

Then came his personal asks. Once Owens signed his contract, he gave the team two sets of dates that he would like to be in Paris, hoping just one would work. The Bears gave him clearance on both.

"It's an amazing feeling that they support me doing that for the person that I love most," Owens said. "That was a big part of me feeling good and me feeling wanted here. All the coaches are coming up to me, asking when I'm gonna leave and saying they're gonna be watching and making sure that I won't miss a beat while I'm here."

While Owens is in Paris, he will have his tablet to watch recorded meetings, stay up-to-date on defensive installs and see the Bears play in the Hall of Fame Game. He'll also workout at his hotel gym to ensure he comes back in good shape.

When the Bears granted Owens permission to miss part of training camp to support Biles, Owens said she "was ecstatic."

"That was just a big thing for me," Owens said. "I really wanted to show that support just because of how supportive she was for me last season when I was in Green Bay. She was traveling almost every weekend to come see me even though she was training Monday through Saturday. She would leave practice Saturday, go straight to the airport, get a connecting flight to Green Bay, go to the game Sunday and leave Monday morning to go back to practice.

"I just wanted to really show that reciprocation of that love and support."


Owens has routinely displayed those sentiments during Biles' competitions this spring and summer. During each event, Owens can be found in the stands with her family — sitting in the same order each time out of superstition — with a scorecard in his hand to keep track of her scores. Before her routine, Owens prepares with her from afar.

"I'm acting like I'm at a football game. I'm sure the people behind me are like, 'oh my gosh.' Because usually, gymnastics etiquette is just a little soft clap. But, yeah, me and her sister were always the loudest ones in there." Jonathan Owens

Biles finds Owens in the crowd, and they make eye contact. The simple gesture is calming for both of them. Owens locks in as Biles looks ahead, the final step before she either takes off on vault, leaps on the beam or steps out for her floor routine.

It's difficult for Owens to pick a favorite out of Biles' events. No matter how many times he sees her routines, her talent never ceases to impress him.

"Floor is obviously amazing," Owens said. "I love to watch vault, but the effortlessness of beam is just amazing. I don't even know a word to describe it. It's just amazing, just her space awareness, and balance. For me, [it's] the most impressive event. Obviously, it's the most nerve wrecking even for them, because it's a 4-inch beam so you really have to be almost perfect to land and do your flips."

Even after Biles hits each of her moves on the beam, the dismount still looms. That part of the routine, however, is one where Biles is in a league of her own.

She performs a double-twisting double backflip, a skill she debuted in 2019 at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships. When she landed it again during the 2019 Worlds, it was added to the Code of Points — a rulebook that defines the scoring system for each level of competition — under her name.

"She has a dismount that she does, which no one else can do," Owens adds with a smile. "It's just amazing to be able to watch her go out there. It just looks graceful. Graceful, that's the only word I can use."

The second Biles sticks her landing, Owens is on his feet.

"I'm acting like I'm at a football game," Owens said. "I'm sure the people behind me are like, 'oh my gosh.' Because usually, gymnastics etiquette is just a little soft clap. But, yeah, me and her sister were always the loudest ones in there."

While Owens hasn't seen Biles in a couple weeks as she wrapped up training in Houston before heading to Paris July 16, she keeps him up to date on her Olympic endeavors. Thursday morning, Biles texted Owens videos from her podium training.

Shortly after the training concluded, the videos went viral on social media.

"She's ready," Owens said. "People need to see that podium training video, but she's looking good. I was like 'oh my god.' I was just overjoyed to see it. Just happy for her. I know the work that she puts in."

Supporting Biles and Team USA is the main event, but Owens also plans to experience Paris' history and art culture. Before he met Biles, Owens only had one stamp in his passport from a trip to London when the Texans played the Jaguars at in 2019. In recent years, Owens has visited several new places and will now add France to his list.

Owens will make sure to pick up some souvenirs and Olympic pins for his teammates and coaches, who have showed continued support to him during training camp. He is also looking forward to meeting some of the elite athletes from Team USA and have as many conversations with "the one percent of the one percent."

"I really wanna see Team USA basketball – that's a big thing for me." Owens said. "I've met LeBron before, it was pretty dope. He knew who I was. He shook my hand and was like, 'man, great season.' I didn't stop smiling after that because I just grew up watching him. So, meeting some of those guys, and I would love to meet some of the track athletes as well. Honestly anybody. If you're an athlete and I can't do the sport, I respect your craft, 100%. I'm just super excited for the experience."
