New Bears offensive lineman Jonah Jackson talks with about his skateboarding prowess, the toughest player he's faced in the NFL, his take on Game of Thrones and much more.
What's the first thing you think of when you hear Chicago?
The saying, "Da Bears." I've been having my daughter do it.
You played in Detroit from 2020-23 with Ben Johnson. How would you describe your now-head coach?
Just as a person, he's awesome. Very personable. You can talk to him about anything. Great mentor. As a coach, it's electric, his offense. With him and Caleb and the rest of the weapons, it's going to be exciting to watch. The capabilities he's going to provide with his offense is going to be a sight to see.
What was your 'Welcome to the NFL' moment?
It was actually against the Bears. It was COVID, so it was dead silent and I remember the first play, I reached Akiem Hicks. I'll never forget he was like, "good grip young man, good grip." Building up to the game, you've seen Akiem Hicks dominate and everything, so it was just cool to see. Everybody's human, it's just a game.
You played for Rutgers and Ohio State. What's the best part of the Big Ten?
The football environments are pretty incredible. Rutgers is a great environment. The Shoe is awesome. People would hate me to say this, but the Big House is pretty sweet. Nebraska. Those environments are incredible.
What was your favorite Big Ten memory?
Probably winning the Big Ten Championship my fifth year. Beating Wisconsin in a comeback win. It was awesome. We were down like 21-7 at halftime, so rallied the troops in the locker room and got to work.
Who got you interested in football growing up?
My siblings and my parents. It was like our right of passage in our family. Everybody played football.
How many siblings do you have?
I'm one of five — second youngest. Had two older brothers that played, sister was a cheerleader and my younger brother played too.
Who's the toughest player you've faced in your career?
One of the guys, he just signed here, Grady Jarrett. Him and Aaron Donald, they're up there.
What about Grady is so tough?
He just has an arsenal of pass rush moves. He can play the run well. He's smart. He's listening to everything, so there's some decoys out there and you gotta play the game within the game.
What is your pregame essential?
Definitely music. I start subtle. If it's Sunday, I'll throw on a little Kirk Franklin or something. Keep it calm. Once we're building up, I'll thrown on some Future or Gunna.
Do you have a guilty pleasure show?
Power or Game of Thrones. I could watch those 10 times over.
What's your Game of Thrones take?
I haven't seen the most recent season, House of Dragon, but I thought the original show was really good. I wish they would do another spinoff with Jon Snow.
What's on the top of your bucket list?
Travel outside the country. I haven't left the country yet. Me and the wife would definitely love to go see Japan, some of Europe.
What's one thing about you people wouldn't know?
I used to be a skateboarder. I used to be pretty decent. I'm a bigger guy, so I couldn't do what's called "vert," which is ramps and rails. But I was a solid street skater. No one believed me, I had to bring my board to Rutgers and show them I could hit a kick flip. I had been skateboarding from probably fifth grade to middle of high school when I got too big.
Three words to capture your personality?
Silly. I do like to play around. I'm a jokester. Locked in when need be. I feel like I'm a good role model for younger guys in the room. I feel like I've got good qualities of leadership.
What is your favorite way to unwind from football?
Hangout with the kids, my family, my wife. Eat good food, watch some movies, play the video game a little bit.
What's your favorite dad activity?
Run ragged around the house, flip 'em around. My daughter loves to jump off stair sets and scream.
Is there anything in Chicago you're excited to see or do?
There's a lot. I've been on Chicago TikTok, so a lot of sights to see, the beach and lake, grab some good food. I know Chicago's food scene is pretty fire, so we're excited about that.
Any food in particular you're looking to try?
I like it all, honestly. I've had an Italian beef in Chicago, but I need to see what the selection is out there.