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DJ Moore was in Manchester, England, on Monday for a Mini Monsters clinic, a free youth program that stresses the importance of a healthy lifestyle through fun, non-contact football drills. Check out the receiver's postcard to read about his experience across the pond.

Mini Monsters in Manchester: Postcards with DJ Moore | June 24

As told to Gabby Hajduk

Hey Bears fans,

I'm out here in the United Kingdom this week representing the Bears during their Mini Monsters clinics in Manchester. My family was able to make the trip with me and it's the first time Raven, Ari and our little man have been overseas. Everybody is having an amazing time here.

While I've been to London when I played at Tottenham in 2019, this is my first time in Manchester and I'm loving it. There's good weather — all sun and blue skies — and good food, but the best was their McDonalds. The way they make it, the menu is all different. There's even vegan and vegetarian options, it's crazy.

We flew in on Saturday, but really started exploring Sunday. The best part was touring Old Trafford where Manchester United plays. The stadium was built in 1910 so it's pretty historic and everything inside of it was top notch.

This was only the second soccer stadium I've been to and it was cool to spend some time there. We got to walk around the field, see their locker room and learn about the history there. The best part was receiving my own Manchester United jersey with 'Moore' on the back.


Today was all about the Mini Monster clinic which was such a cool experience. It was the first one I've been a part of, so to do it overseas made me happy.

The kids were really running the show, so I was just helping along. I started getting competitive, though, and had my flag pulled a few times.

It really was amazing. They were out there giving their best effort and having a good time playing football. I learned there were some legit DJ Moore fans out here who have been watching me play, so I felt honored.


Ari obviously had an amazing time too. She's embracing everyone and is just out here going crazy. It's a whole different Ari. She was at the clinic participating, too, and did a few drills. The little man was even out there playing football — not American football. I think he was excited about soccer because he got to sign a contract with Manchester United yesterday.


Helping with the clinic was a one-in-a-million opportunity that I will hold near and dear in my memories. Everything was lovely and hopefully I get to come back another time.

We're heading to London tomorrow and I'm excited to see the city with my family. For them to share this experience with me is amazing and I know they're going to love it too.

Bye, governor!

- DJ

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